I was lucky enough to get to visit home (Aotearoa) during a brief travel-bubble between COVID lockdowns. Many haven’t had that chance and are missing friends and whānau we haven’t been able to see in all too long.

​I found some NZ-designed fabric at an op shop while I was over there. To bring that back and make doorstops, a promise of doors being open, while we were locked-down felt like an action of resistance and hope.

​Then for a friends birthday I incorporated fabric Ruth Bader Ginsberg fabric celebrating dissent and we could honour those matriarchs who open doors for us as this friend has been for me.

As for many, reflecting on the impacts of the pandemic had me thinking about what’s really important to me and what I want to do with my “one wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver).  How can I live a life more meaning-full?

The Recollective is my answer to that question. A playground at the nexus of reflection, culture and feminist theologies. It is also a space for others to ask that question of themselves. It is a blank page, and arms outstretched to a wide, open sky.

The Recollective is a space that seeks to create, and to explore the ways in which as we make, we are made ourselves. A celebration of the Maker and the Made. Because in the creation of that tool, resource, expression or product we are folded forward via meaning, learning, or purpose.

A co-creative and pro-creative becoming.

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Contributions to The Recollective here and purchases from our store (Coming Soon) support my being able to fully focusing my time, space and energy to this work at The Recollective as Curator and exploring whether this can be a self-sustaining model. It supports the Makers. It supports artists getting paid for their work. It also says: “I want this space to exist in the world”. 

It opens doors.

Welcome in…
