Tag Archive: possibility

A creative reading today of Intercarnations : Exercises in Theological Possibility by Catherine Keller, Chapter 1: Returning God: Gift of Feminist Theology…

“I let Love be all that she is; I cannot understand her fierce wonders.
Incomprehension, however, does not silence the poetry”

Hadewijch of Brabant (a 13th-century poet and mystic), Minne

Lent word: Drink

Do not drink! We cannot santise our fear or make it clean. Sit with it, recognise it, and know it for what it is. This is not fit to drink. Look for the source of living water that drives out all fear, it is the same that runs through all creation’s veins.  #drink #inu

Advent word: Turn

The green becomes gold, the new becomes old… then new again by turns. When will it be your turn? WIll you turn up? Who will you turn out to be?#turn #huri #adventwords2019

Advent word: Water

The Maori word for water, wai, can also mean tears or a river or a song. Doesn’t that make so much sense?
And when Mary’s waters break: tears, a river, and a song. #water #wai #adventwords2019

I come to You with Nothing

true love brewing Bar Josephine Footscray Melbourne 2017

I come to You with Nothing
dark abyss and empty
sometimes I pretend
sometimes I avoid
sometimes I hide.

But if I came to You
with my hands full
I would not be able
to receive anything.

You spun heaven and
earth and light and
dark and land and
sky and birds and
beasts and me…
from Nothing.

You are not afraid of it,
the possibility of it,
and nor shall I be.
Dark abyss and empty


Talitha Fraser

I leave a door ajar

chalk drawing infinity and heart

I leave a door ajar
a window open
creating space for You
to a potential
You don’t come
and I learn anew
there’s a discipline
to this
holding space
moulding grace

Talitha Fraser

tree winter treasury gardens melbourne life dealer death dealer poem Talitha Fraser

Are you a life dealer or a death dealer?
Opening or closing?
Possibility or doom?
I can’t fix you.
I can’t fix myself.
I ask for help and help comes.
Ask and it shall be given unto you.

Stay back
death dealer.
You will know
your end in me.
Because I am
all that’s new,
all that’s possible,
all that you dream is possible to do
– if only you knew…
If only you believed.
Come here.

Talitha Fraser

daniel berrigan

The Rev. Daniel Berrigan and some friends hold a vigil at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on July 25, 1973, while fasting to protest the bombing in Cambodia. | AP


This has been a year of vigil and rally and protest and placard and march that sometimes feels like a long walk. It’s good to be reminded it’s all been done before, in whose footsteps we follow, and what wisdom we can learn from their journey to encourage our own…


  1. Call on Jesus when all else fails. Call on Him when all else succeeds (except that never happens).
  2. Don’t be afraid to be afraid or appalled to be appalled. How do you think the trees feel these days, or the whales, or, for that matter, most humans?
  3. Keep your soul to yourself. Soul is a possession worth paying for, they’re growing rarer. Learn from monks, they have secrets worth knowing.
  4. About practically everything in the world, there’s nothing you can do. This is Socratic wisdom. However, about of few things you can do something. Do it, with a good heart.
  5. On a long drive, there’s bound to be a dull stretch or two. Don’t go anywhere with someone who expects you to be interesting all the time. And don’t be hard on your fellow travelers. Try to smile after a coffee stop.
  6. Practically no one has the stomach to love you, if you don’t love yourself. They just endure. So do you.
  7. About healing: The gospels tell us that this was Jesus’ specialty and he was heard to say: “Take up your couch and walk!”
  8. When traveling on an airplane, watch the movie, but don’t use the earphones. Then you’ll be able to see what’s going on, but not understand what’s happening, and so you’ll feel right at home, little different then you do on the ground.
  9. Know that sometimes the only writing material you have is your own blood.
  10. Start with the impossible. Proceed calmly towards the improbable. No worry, there are at least five exits.

A light






A light comes into the world.
A life comes into the world.
And the world cannot
extinguish it.

just one

I ask for just one miracle this weekend:
that I will no longer believe the impossible is.

That I will find the faith to believe
that liberation will come
for those who are imprisoned by their own
– or another’s –
fear and judgement.

That I will find the faith to believe
that the most intractable minds can be changed
– even my own.

That i will find the faith to believe
a different world will be born
from the empty hells of this one.

That I won’t stop living for the end
of all that would destroy us.